Sunday, September 2, 2012

Until I get a Trainer

Finding a quality personal trainer takes time and effort. You have to see if there's a connection, factor their rate in your budget, and make their available times work for your schedule. It can be a hassle sometimes. So, until I get a personal trainer I've learned that with consistency, dedication, proper form, and a few tools you can get similar results on your own.

    Fitness is an integral part of my life and maintaining a fit and healthy lifestyle supports my well being, happiness, energy, and productivity level. What can I say my wealth is my health. I believe in self sufficiency. So, just as I create my own meal plans I also create my own fitness program. I carve out 60 minutes 5-6 days a week to dedicate to exercise.  Research has shown that in order for the body to see results you have to keep it guessing by switching things up a bit. Thus, you may find me anywhere from the gym, to jogging trails, hiking national parks, jumping rope, to in a yoga studio, in a dance class, or in the quiet of my home kickboxing with Billy Blanks. The list goes on.

     I have a host of gadgets and tools that assist in my weekly routine that manage to keep me on my toes (literally) below are a few of them:

My home gym/fitness tools:

Exercise & Food Journal

 I keep an exercise and food journal to keep me on track with my goals and to continue challenging myself daily to meet or beat the previous days time.

Jump Rope
 Jumping rope is a childhood pleasure and an adulthood treasure. This keeps my heart rate going and its really fun.
Kick boxing w/ Jillian Michaels (this includes weight training)
 If your ready for the toughest 20 minutes of your day- take on this video which will have you pouring sweat and using muscles you didn't know you had.

Old School Throwback: Tae Bo-
This 90's throwback still has a place in my heart. It has a simple and straightforward approach while remaining ultra challenging and motivating.

Weight Training Assistant
Without a trainer I often run out of cool and effective moves. With my free weights this book is full of new and innovative exercises that range from easy to difficult.

Ab Roller
 The ab roller is SERIOUS!!! after just 10 reps I feel the burn BAAD.

 I use these weights with my exercise videos and with my weight training book. 

An Average Exercise Week:

Jog 6 miles outdoors

Weight training


Jog 6 miles

60 min dance class

Jump rope





Jog 6 miles outdoors

Weight training

Jog 6 miles

60 min dance class

Jump rope





Jog 6 miles

20 min Tae Bo Video




20 min Jillian Michaels Video

Jump rope






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