To keep it real, during the holidays I never eat with my family WHY? because every year plates are full of ham hock greens, buttery yams, cheesy bacon string bean casseroles, overstuffed turkey, and the infamous stinky chitterlings (pig intestines). There isn't a vegetable in sight that hasn't been smothered by meat or cheese. At the tender age of 13 I stopped eating most of these foods and by college I just stopped eating it altogether. During these times I would either starve or have to visit my family on an already full stomach. This year a friend invited me to her families dinner and allowed me to construct my own vegan friendly menu which she also volunteered to prepare.
Course One: Simple Green Salad
Course Two: Butternut Squash Soup with Dried Cranberries
Main Course:
Vegan Stuffing Stuffed Bell Pepper
Baked yams
Olive Oil Roasted Brussel Sprouts
Sauted String Beans
Amy's Vegan Mac and Cheese
Dessert One: Cinnamon Spiced Baked Pears
Dessert Two: Whole Foods Vegan Pumpkin Pie
Although, I created the menu I owe my first year of eating everything on my plate to Chef Brittany, Amy's frozen Mac and Cheese (which I didn't like), and to Whole Foods for their Brussel Sprouts and Vegan Pumpkin pie.
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