Thursday, August 2, 2012

An Average Day of Juice Cleansing

Greetings All,

Today is my 5th day of juice cleansing and I feel great. I have a lot energy, my skin is glowing, and I feel centered. I am not cleansing for the cosmetic benefit to merely to loose weight or look HOTT for summer. Rather, my goal is to give my body a rest and allow it to cleanse itself naturally.

Our bodies are constantly working and therefore in need of rest. However, our digestive system is not always afforded this luxury. Many believe it is our intestines that determine how healthy we are. If this is the case we must know it is the food we eat that determines the health of our intestines. Dr. Arnold Ehert states that the average human is holding 10 pounds of waste or more. He stresses the neccessity of cleansing the body regularly to rid it of toxins, carcinogens, chemicals, and old built up food from past years.

The first 3-5 days of any cleanse, especially on cleanses that eliminate solid food longer than 5 days will the shock the body and sometimes create withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal happens on a large scale for people who eat a diet which contains a lot of dairy, meat, sugary, salty, and processed foods. Withdrawal symptoms include headache, dizziness, severe cravings, and mood swings. These symptoms sound like a bonafide addict right? In many ways this is the case because many are using food as prescriptions for healing pain, heartbreak, insecurity, loss, and the list goes on. Food thereby is no longer a tool for promoting nutrition and wellness rather it becomes a crippling aid in the physical, emotional, and mental health of the individual.

In addition, due to the fact that the human body stores 5 days of emergency food in the system, your body is under the impression it is in an emergency situation and will supply you stored nutrients for up to 5 days. The beauty of juice cleansing is you’re allowing your body to cleanse from the past while presently flushing it with large amounts of nutrients. Also, the cleansing process itself aids in the absorption of future nutrients that will enter the body.

Although, I haven’t been tracking my progress on this blog I woke up thinking I should share my average Juice Cleanse Day with you. Here goes:

7 am
Hot water and 2 tbsp lemon juice 8 oz
8 am
Lemon, Carrot, Apple, ginger, beet 10 oz
10 am
Tomato, Radish, lemon juice 10 oz
12 pm
Fennel, Carrot, Celery, lemon juice 10 oz
2 pm
Kale, banana, rejuvalec  juice/smootie 32 oz
4 pm
Decaf herbal tea: Peppermint or Bengal Spice
5 pm
Celery, Apple, ginger juice 10 oz
7 pm
Ann Wigmore Energy Soup (recipe)
Nectarine and strawberry juice 10 oz
9 pm
Decaf herbal tea: Peppermint or Bengal Spice

I also drink 8-10 cups of water in between my juices meals. I always end up feeling very full by 7pm and then by 9pm I feel a little hungry and a warm cup of tea fulfills the craving perfectly. I usually jog 3 miles at 7:30 in the morning and I have more than enough energy to push me through.  On days I feel slower I take it slower. I listen to my body. Listening is key.

I hope you enjoyed this post, please leave any positive and uplifting comments and/or questions you may have. I look forward to hearing from you.

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